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Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing is the universally accepted method of communicating part requirements on engineering drawings. This seminar will help you understand and use this universal engineering language to eliminate many of the communication problems in the design – to- manufacturing cycle.

First you will review the basic language and system controls of geometrics and how to apply them to any manufactured product. Then you will learn how geometric dimensioning and tolerancing complements your SPC program by helping you to better define compete specifications in your manufacturing cycle.

Attendees receive a copy of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing by Lowell Foster, which covers the 2009 standard.

You will Learn About

•Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

•Basic Applications (no datums)

•Basic Applications (datum Reference)

•Maximum Material Condition

•Practical Applications through Hands- on Workshops

Who should attend

Draftspersons, tool designers, technical inspectors , mechanical engineering technicians, and machine shop and tool room supervisors. Manufacturing and project engineers , quality control team members, engineering managers or supervisors will also this seminar beneficial


GD&T is the most advanced system for specifying and controlling tolerances in use in the manufacturing industry today.

This course will enable you to understand and utilize approximately 95% of all GD&T controlls

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